in Writing challenge

One of the reasons I spend so much time mentoring startups and meeting with entrepreneurs is that I love to help.I really, passionately love to help.

My mission statement hasn’t changed in the last decade – I want to help people achieve their  goals.

When I just started out back in 2007, I was working with musicians helping with get PR and build brand on social media (back then, MySpace was a marketing channel, how ancient is that right?). The idea behind it was the same. I wanted to help musician that create great music be heard.

For me, with startups, it’s the same. I want to help people who create meaningful products get more attention and users.

This is why I produce so much content. This is why I do Twitter, Snapchat, Blog, give talks, mentor and so much more.

Today I decided to start a small experiment.

One more small step

In the last couple of days I asked you to send me your questions via Snapchat, Facebook on Twitter.

I want to try and answer 1-2 questions a day every day, for the entire next week – Sunday to Sunday.

Here’s how it will go:

I will take your questions and answer 1-2 a day at around 18:00 on Snapchat.

You can ask me anything you want about growth hacking, content marketing and running a company.

For example:

  • Want to get my method to writing killer headlines?
  • Want to know how I manage to write a post a day so easily?
  • Want to know how I got an 85% guest blogging success rate?
  • Want to get my method for optimizing funnels?
  • Want to learn how I manage to grow our client’s Twitter by 400% month by month?

Now you can ask me directly.

You can submit questions via Snapchat (roypovar) or Twitter.

Every day, around 18:00 – I will answer one question. Will it be yours?

Go on, send them in!

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