This is a short warning every Snapchat user should read.
To make a long story short – I was locked out of my Snapchat account for several hours today due to using 3rd party apps.
There are 26 posts filed in Writing challenge ( this is page 1 of 3).
Honesty and openness are a big part of this small blog’s agenda . So I’ll keep it brutally honest.
In this post, I will share with your exactly why I’m dissapointed with myself at the moment and the key thing I learnt to change that. So lets dive in.
We’re in August, and I haven’t moved an inch on achieving my 2016 goals.
Well, it’s not true – We’ve doubled the business revenue and doubled our team size. But those were all linear. The leap I was planning for was bigger than that.
Throughout life, we face hundreds of awkward, uncomfortable or embarrassing situations.
Getting turned down by a girl you wanted to ask out. Failing at your first venture, Giving the wrong answer in front of a class filled with bad kids or simply falling flat on your nose on the street because you stepped on a wondering stone.
The fear of feeling uncomfortable is dangerous.
Last night I had a chance to share some of my epic entrepreneurial failures at Tel Aviv’s edition of Fuckup Nights.
If you’re not familiar with Fuckup Nights (or FUN), it’s a global movement born in Mexico in 2012 to share publicly business failure stories. Hundreds of people attend each event to hear three to four entrepreneurs share their failures. Each speaker is given 7 minutes and can use ten images. After each speaker, there’s a question/answer session, as well as time for networking. (I shamelessly stole this description from their Facebook Page).
I started 2016 very goal oriented.
I knew where I was going and what I needed to do to get there. I had my prioritize straight and was on my way to make this a successful year. And then….
This “And then….” Is something a lot of entrepreneurs experience. It is also what usually separates really good and successful entrepreneurs and the busy, spread too thin, stressed out entrepreneurs. They might still be successful , but it will be against all odds.
If you’ve been following my blog, you know that I’ve challenged myself to write a blog post every day in 2016. 365 posts. Day by day.
If you’ve truly been following me, than you know I broke my streak last week and haven’t posted a single post.
While I have been writing every day, I haven’t been posting everyday .
A few months ago I met with Hillel Fuld to talk about his company’s upcoming app Zcast.
Zcast is an “all you need to run a podcast in one” kind of an app, with the addition amazing benefit that you run the whole thing through the app utilizing Twitter.
You can just start (or schedule) your podcast, invite someone from Twitter and start your show – with A-sound quality and easy to use interface.
Inspiration and motivation are hard to maintain.
Entrepreneurs are well known to be super happy on the one day and be depressed and think nothing is going their way the second. I think everybody feels that rollercoaster actually.
The secret is knowing how to overcome it and not surrender to being sad, demotivated and basically give up.
When talking content, there’s an endless debate – should you focus on quality or quantity.
I can give you my answer right away, but understanding the thought process is more important.
There is a mis-consumption on the impact of creating a lot of content in oppose to creating right targeted content every once in a while.
It’s almost the end of January and I’m still coming to terms with completing my personal / business goals for 2016.
Finalizing your goals is hard work, after all, it’s the ones you are going to pursue all year long. Make decisions according to, and work for. At the end of 2016, your are supposed to be where the goals you set are and who they made you become.