Before I go into today’s post I want to share with you that yesterday I didn’t post anything on this blog – but I did write a post for another blogger (post will be up soon) so I’m still counting it as a post done.
I said at the beginning of this adventure that some of the content might be off site. When it is published, I will add it here as Day 10.
Some hard truth
Ok – I’ve been waiting for a long time to share with you something that not many content marketers are willing to admit.
Creating great content is a must if you want to succeed with content marketing, but it’s only 25% of the success factor.
The one big secret for making your content to actually work for you – is distribution and promotion.
If your content doesn’t have any distribution plan, it will fail.
If you think about most ‘growth strategies’ – they focus heavily on growth of distribution and reach. Why? because without distribution the funnel doesn’t even start.
How you should approach every new marketing channel
I’ve recently started using Snapchat.
After listening to Gary talking about it so much, I’ve decided it’s time to give it a try. I love it. I truly enjoy.
Only one problem – It’s shitty for content discovery and content doesn’t last (it automatically disappears after 24 hours). That’s a bad combination for trying and increase reach.
If it’s very hard to discover content, it means that you will need to work really hard on getting followers and attention. Because the content disappears after 24 hours it also means that you’re not creating real estate, that can be discovered by future readers.
Why is this the only thing I’m telling you about Snapchat at the moment? Because as a marketer, being easily discovered is key.
So what is the first thing you should check when approaching a new marketing channel?
- Is your audience there / potentially be there in the next 6 months.
- How easy it is to get discovered and build a following.
I’ll ignore the audience part because I will discuss it in future post. For now lets focus on the “discovery and building a following.”
What your process should be
Every time you decide taking your brand / company into a new marketing channel, before creating one piece of content on it – you need to ask yourself:
How will I get attention and followers?
Lets take Instagram for example. On the top of my head I look at Instagram and think:
- I can promote my new account on other platforms (Cross platform promotion)
- I can explore hashtags even further
- I can explore the location options further
- I can as comment on other relevant accounts to get noticed
- I can like other Instagrammer’s photos to get their attention.
- I can follow / unfollow people to get noticed
- I can reach out to influencers and ask them to recommend following me.
- I can do sponsored ads
- I can do sponsored “shout out for shout outs”
- I can re-post other’s people content, mentioning them and give credit so they’ll notice me.
- I can send direct messages to other relevant accounts
- I can mention relevant industry leaders account and ask a questions.
- etc. etc.
Now that I broke down all my options to engage and get attention / followers on Instagram, I can start thinking about the tactics and content I need use to start getting new followers – so my content will have impact and actually get noticed by people.
Always ask yourself – How am I going to get attention on this platform and make it last. How hard will i need to work to get noticed / discovered.
I will write about this topic more in-depth soon.
But for now, try and test yourself – look a the marketing channels you’re currently using. What can you do to get more followers right now? Is this a good channel for you?
BTW, are you a snapper? follow me on Snapchat at roypovar or by scanning this code:

Roy Povarchik Snapchat